This follows on from a coaching programme where individuals or teams have made dramatic changes and begun to achieve the goals and results they identified at the start. However, without support, the enthusiasm and new habits of performance and behaviour can slip.

“John Muranka’s coaching is the most
powerful development work I’ve ever done.”

Ian Carnazza, Managing Director, bezier

Regular dialogue with your coach allows you to:

  • step up your game for bigger, greater possibilities

  • refresh your thinking when things seem to be getting stuck

  • tap into and explore specific issues as they arise

  • take advantage of an objective sounding-board to clarify your thoughts

  • re-establish your vision, evaluate the current reality and create actions to close the gap

  • maintain your new-found confidence

An objective outsider to work with allows you to focus on your role more effectively.

The ongoing process can involve Executive Coaching or Team Alignment, and can work across departments or teams.

It can cover the many issues that arise when dealing with the human capital of a business. Many of these issues are are listed in Other Coaching Areas.